Friday, November 30, 2007

E.T.-A monster..?

Being an amateur astronomer ,i have always been fascinated with the various theories concerning the existence of Extra -Terrestrial(E.T.) Life..But one thing which fascinates me is the human perception of E.T..Why, in every movie,every sci-fi book ,they are depicted as evil monster like beings..After all if "GOD" ,as per most of the philosophies (except Paganism,i suppose) has always had a heavenly abode..Then our approach to non-Earthlings must have been a positive one..

Strange.!!,is the way that human mind works and relates,isn`t it..?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

An interesting story......

I read this somewhere,long time back..

An important task was assigned to Everybody..Everybody was sure Somebody would do it.Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when actually Nobody asked Anybody...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ugly(??) Betty....

Today while flipping channels on TV, an interesting thought crossed my mind ,which made me think about the human perception of beauty.

We all love six-pack abs of SRK and aspire to look like that Kate-Moss like “thingies”. (I am not really sure if some of these uber thin models are humans as they look like badly done experimental humanoids with their emaciated looks) .Yet Ugly Betty happens to be one of the top rated sitcoms and America Ferreira’s character goes on to win an Emmy as well as hearts of people worldwide.

So what is the conclusion..?Are we really in love with these perfect bodies? We all love to say we are size 0, but yet adore Betty’s character. The bushy-browed, gaudily-dressed, sloppy Betty! Why it is that such a fashion faux pas is the main protagonist. May be this shows that we still have some amount of grey matter not yet influenced by fashion mafia!(err. I mean fashion media).

Is it because we all pretend to be superficial but actually are not as shallow as we like to be! After all I have always believed that we are genetically programmed to be nice but just try to act otherwise. May be somewhere deep down in our mind we actually want to be like Betty –a carefree person free from hassles of trying to be someone else.

Go Betty..!!! :)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Who am i..?

"Who am I..?"

Well..I am sure this question might open up a debate which perhaps even the greatest philosophers and thinkers would not be able to conclude upon...

"I am a daughter to my parents"...
"I am a friend to my friend"....
"I am a niece to my aunt"....
Well perhaps the above mentioned definitions are some of the "identifiers" you could use to answer this question..

"I am a banker"...
"I am an engineer"..
"I am a teacher"..
"I am a bass player"...

The above are some more commonly used answers to the ever elusive question-"Who am I?"

Some i guess would say, "I am a human being"..The more philosophically aligned could say-"I am a speck of dust in the cosmos"...

The answers are plenty..But yet all of them have one thing in common..They are contextual..They are all relative...We are using a relative approach to an absolute problem...
So if i remove my connections with the rest of the world..will "I"still exist..?

But say you are put in this vacuum,i mean you have no environment,it`s just you and nothing around you(I am sure my friends from Physics department would exclaim,"what rubbish..!")..But just think what if there is no cosmos..! how could i be a speck of dust in cosmos..?!

If there are no animals or any living or non living entity,then how could the classification of being a human being fit..All the above answers which we get to this question are innately relative..

Technically speaking when the first creation was made,it had no external connection ,nothing to relate to..So the answer to "Who am I?",would have to be "I am I!"....But Who is "I"..?