Saturday, March 29, 2008


There have been many movies which have handled the story of birds and bees and the predicament of being a teenager.But what Juno does is,it handles both of them magnificently with the right touch of comic sarcasm.This is what makes this Oscar nominated movie a class apart from movies belonging to this theme,which treat the subject of teenage pregnancy in a maudlin fashion.
Quirky acting by Ellen page,who plays the protagonist,Juno is definitely one of the key ingredients making this movie a winner with both critics and the viewers.The very punk meets comedy touch is just impeccable.Juno`s decision of going ahead with pregnancy because her Asian friend tells her that the baby has finger nails,shows the brilliant screenplay methodology of underplaying emotions associated with moral convictions.In a way you also see a theme of feminism running throughout the movie..Not in terms of characterization,but the idea underlying the etching of both Jennifer Garner`s character and that of Juno..The dialogue"We all know ,whose idea it was"[Juno telling Paulie it was her idea to "do it" ] in a way is all about female empowerment in a very strange way!!

But anther interesting thing is Juno`s Hamburger-Phone,which has become something of a fashion statement now..But for me the best part was the soundtrack..Being a big fan of Indie Rock,listening to Kimya Dawson,Moldy Peaches,Belle and Sebastian,Barry Louis as part of the movie`s soundtrack is a big thumbs-up form me..You couldn`t have asked for a better ending than Juno and Bleeker`s rendition of "Anyone else but you"..

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


"Aah! What a pain in the neck!"..This is something, every Banglorean would moan and tell,when asked about Bangalore traffic.Yeah,commuting for 2 hours to reach your workplace is a common thing here.We could go on and on ranting about this everyday menace but come to think of it,it does have a bright side to it..Yeah,I know...It sounds crazy to say something nice about traffic jams..But every quintessential "swalpa adjust madi" Bangalorean would definitely nod with me in accord.After all we Bangloreans always look at the sunny side up..Don`t we.?

So when stuck in a traffic jam what is it that we do?.Yell in frustration,mumble on and on about how the flyovers, instead of easing our traffic jams are adding to the woes..Hmm.. yeah we do..But how long .Once we take out our frustration and have taken a "chill pill"(Yeah,am on a roll with Bangy slang..),there is a whole new thought process running in our grey cells.

Contemplating on our lives or how the colleague in the next cubicle is damn cute(!!) or pondering about finally hitting the gym to get in shape or perhaps even calculating a new proposal for the next client meeting.

After all it`s like a much needed avenue for venting out your anger,I mean when you yell or curse in frustration,you are getting rid of all the pent up anger.bitterment . It`s like a psychological clean up process..Apart from that i would have to say you also get much needed time to introspect..The best of my poetic works have their genesis in the ring road jams..

I am not endorsing the traffic jams or anything, especially in winters,when i would have to get up early in the chilly morning to be on time in office....But definetly saying that it ain`t all that bad for in our otherwise jam-packed life,we get a breather for a minute..