Friday, November 23, 2007

Who am i..?

"Who am I..?"

Well..I am sure this question might open up a debate which perhaps even the greatest philosophers and thinkers would not be able to conclude upon...

"I am a daughter to my parents"...
"I am a friend to my friend"....
"I am a niece to my aunt"....
Well perhaps the above mentioned definitions are some of the "identifiers" you could use to answer this question..

"I am a banker"...
"I am an engineer"..
"I am a teacher"..
"I am a bass player"...

The above are some more commonly used answers to the ever elusive question-"Who am I?"

Some i guess would say, "I am a human being"..The more philosophically aligned could say-"I am a speck of dust in the cosmos"...

The answers are plenty..But yet all of them have one thing in common..They are contextual..They are all relative...We are using a relative approach to an absolute problem...
So if i remove my connections with the rest of the world..will "I"still exist..?

But say you are put in this vacuum,i mean you have no environment,it`s just you and nothing around you(I am sure my friends from Physics department would exclaim,"what rubbish..!")..But just think what if there is no cosmos..! how could i be a speck of dust in cosmos..?!

If there are no animals or any living or non living entity,then how could the classification of being a human being fit..All the above answers which we get to this question are innately relative..

Technically speaking when the first creation was made,it had no external connection ,nothing to relate to..So the answer to "Who am I?",would have to be "I am I!"....But Who is "I"..?


S_its_me! said...
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S_its_me! said...

Good post!

It takes a lifetime for man to figure out the answer of this question, I suppose, to know who he is once his connections to the world are snapped after death. Science can explain everything in this world but for questions like what happens after death, who God is, or who this "I" is.. :)

liked this one.. "I am I!"....But Who is "I"..?

Sunny Daffodil. said...

@ Saranya:

Glad to know you liked it..Yeah,true..Science is yet to come up with a plausible explanation to most of these spiritually tinted questions..No wonder,it is often remarked that,'where science ends,religion begins'..