Monday, February 4, 2008

What if..???

Have you ever wondered:"What if I had taken another route.?.How different would life have turned out to be!"..Well if you did,you would definitely identify with this post...

I have always had a tough time deciding about things, when bestowed with plethora of options. At the end of it all, more often than not, I end up wondering, what if I had not chosen the other option. How different, would have life turned out. Tsk...Tsk...Highly irritating, I know... :-))
All my life I have had the "privilege" of having multiple opportunities. But I am the kind of person who hates having to decide, I mean why life can’t be kind enough to atleast make something easy. The more the choices, higher the stakes I have to play with,higher the agony and the pain of having to decide..Higher the number of crib sessions,on how the other option would have been better....!

Well,with this temperament of mine,you know,how much I would appreciate second chances.And gawd..!I recently got one..A second chance..Yay.!!It meant actually getting to live a "What if?" situation....Well,the fact that I was getting to chose an option which I had thoroughly discarded owing to conflict of interest(or something like that)..Not once, but many a times,I had revisited this option and me being my usual self ,did cost-benefit analysis(:D) to regret the fact that I had chosen the wrong option(As usual..:-))..)..And now i was getting to live life with this profitable(?) option..My joy knew no bounds(Exaggeration..:-) )

Finally,I though,since the matter was of paramount importance,this must be some sort of a divine intervention(Ha!..Ha!..Yeah!..Sometimes I do come up with such conclusions)..No wonder,I actually got a chance.Finally no regrets and all that....But little did I know that,I was actually going to learn a valuable lesson in decision making..A personality trait changing lesson..(Yeah,I have successfully given up on analyzing every single situation..Cost-Analysis-Sober since 1 month..)..The second chance proved to be a major dud.!The impact of this hit me like a Armageddon..Little did I expect this..I mean an option meant to do good,actually turned my world topsy-turvy..With all the damage done,I started my analysis again..No..Not on other options..!But on the circumstances and decision making ..Though I wanted my life to take the route as it would have been with second chance ..It did not work out..No amount of regret and not even the second chance of chosing another option changed the course of life..Man..!That is when I realized the laws of metaphysics:Options do not govern life,Life govern options!!

No matter,what option I chose,life will take it`s own course..

Well,i came out unscathed at the other end but lot more positive..So all in all no more "What if??" ...:)


HVK said...

You wish there are no what ifs! You are bound by human emotions and thinking mortal!!!

That post reminded me of The minority Report and the Butterfly Effect. Loved both the movies.

Here is an interesting thing which I believe happens to everyone buy is rarely accepted. When you have many options then logically its extremely difficult to choose one, but at a subconscious level you always know what attracts you the most and which one you like (Many a times its not even the logically optimum choice!). Its because of all we have be told about how to behave and what to do and what not that we disregard this voice to oblivion.

Makes sense?

Sunny Daffodil. said...

I do want choices but definetly not mulling about what if i had chosen some other option..I mean my sub concious mind is doing a pretty good task at the very first time!!..So post analyzing some choices is what i want to be somber about..After all with no choices,who would i be..!? Aahh..!!Scary thought..!..