Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Human Bonds..

People. People everywhere. People at your workplace, people on the road,people in the neighborhood market,people at your local café. People you see regularly. Who are they..?Just strangers who have familiar faces? Think again,for there is a human bond that penetrates the unknown souls with known faces.

Every morning when I take my dog for a walk, I would happen to see this grandpa who would cheerfully greet everyone .Most of the people would be lost in their own thoughts and their hectic-pace of life that they would not even bother to acknowledge him.Undettered by the indifferent attitude of most people; he always managed to smile at all the passers-by. Since I am a late riser, more than a walk, it’s like a quick run in the park for my poor doggie. So I am also one of the people who just waltz-by without “looking “at things around. Most of the time, his,”Hey Kiddo!” greeting was barely heard by me .Not intententional or anything, but being late for work everyday, I would hardly notice anything.

Last week, since I was in no hurry to go early, I was walking in the park and noticed that the grandpa was not at his usual spot. I thought may be he must have left early. Now it’s been more than a week and there is no sight of him in the park. I miss the familiar face and the affectionate greeting.Strange isn’t It?

We are so caught up in this mundane world that we don’t even bother to wait for a minute and soak in the bond of affection which runs amidst us. Little do we notice that the multitude of unknown people who surround us touch our lives in their own special way.


darCwader said...

My Response

Sunny Daffodil. said...

@ DarC
Awesome sketch.!No wonder,it is said that pictures speak louder than 100 words put together..

strollinthunder said...

I believe its got to do with how we are as a cultural(traditional) group.Kids are taught to mind their business and concentrate on exploring ways to excel individually.A stark contrast in the way its done in the US,where u'll definitely be greeted with a smile and a good day wish by strangers when an eye contact happens.

HVK said...

Wait till you get to the USA. Then you will understand what these tiny bonds with the people, places and way of life you have now mean to you. Thing is we never realize what something means to us unless we loose it. Leaving India makes you realize how deeply rooted Indian-ness in you is!!!

Sayani said...

that i so true we forget that we are social being ...it is true and sad as well ....
i wonder how we will feel when we retire and walk in park trying to mingle and not get bothered ...its sad but true ....

strollinthunder said...

If you are asking me to experience the American way,then I certainly have that experience, since I have lived there....

The Indian-ness one will miss be the moments with your loved ones and ur traditional way of life...setting these aside your interaction with people you meet for the first time in your life will be very very different....these are juz my observations.

Sunny Daffodil. said...

I think more than the upbringing, it’s got something to do with us getting more and more self centered day by day. I think it is an urban-idiosyncrasy which most of us are bound to develop due to the fast pace of life. I am sure this would transcend geographical boundaries as well. Whether you are a Berliner or Bangalorean, the probability of finding people caught up in their own world would be more or less same.

It is true that most of the times,we never appreciate the value of things until they disappear from our lives.

Just the thought of what you mention, makes me feel like never getting old! But I think the mindset of our generation is such that, we would still be pre-occupied with hundreds of other things and still not behave like social animals…

Sayan Nandy said...

It's the growing indifference in human nature that has degenerated the joint families to nuclear ones. We have a cell phone in our pocket but hardly have any time to talk to our loved ones (barring from may be our bf/gf), we have 24 hours net connection, emails but always are in a spot of bother to communicate. By reading such a beautifully portrayed article the soft side in us cries out loud. But hey does it really cry for those oppressed or is it still crying because it is concerned of what might happen to us in future. That I think differs from person to person:)

jyotsana said...

sunny daffodil,
hi first of all what a lovely name.so positive so bright so full of life.
and the post is a food for thought.yes how little we care ...

Sunny Daffodil. said...

The reason for the cry is something worth pondering about..Perhaps,it is more of a cry over the anticipated plight over getting old..
Thanks :))